Thursday, November 24, 2011

Little Sumpin' Sumpin' Ale - Lagunitas


Name: Little Sumpin' Sumpin' Ale
Style: American Pale Wheat Ale
IBU: 64.2
ABV: 7.5%
Gravity: 1.076 OG
Purchased at: Trixie's Liquor


Appearance: Pours a golden honey color with 2 fingers of off-white head. Solid retention, thin cap, amazing lacing, sporadic carbonation bubbles, but ultimately doesn't look like anything special.

Smell: This beer smells amazing - it smells sweet but it's not a very malty smell. You definitely get some grapefruit and lemon, along with orange and/or tangerine. You get grassy and citrus hops as well to complement the other citrus smells. I honestly can't overstate how awesome this beer smells.

Taste: This beer hides its high ABV completely, wow. You get all of the fruits from the nose and you get the citrus hops right up front and center. It's interesting because the hops are almost all flavor with only a little bitterness. However, the wheat flavor imparts some bitterness, which is interesting. This is a great flavor overall and doesn't stick with you too long after the drink, which fits just fine with this one.

Mouthfeel: Light bodied with adequate carbonation and a bit of a dry finish. Not much else of note here, but definitely solid.

Overall Grade: A-

Comments: This beer drinks much lighter than the flavor would suggest, which is awesome. It could honestly be an IPA with the ABV that it boasts, but it drinks like a pale wheat (which it is) and tastes like a strong pale ale. Very interesting combination and this is definitely something worth checking out. Little Sumpin' Wild is even better (I had it at Quivey's Grove Beerfest, but didn't have time to review it in depth)! Enjoy!


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