Saturday, August 13, 2011

Arctic Panzer Wolf - Three Floyds Brewing


Name: Arctic Panzer Wolf
Style: American IIPA
IBU: ??
ABV: 9.0%
Gravity: ??
Purchased at: Trixie's Liquor


Appearance: Pours a golden hazy yellow; MUCH lighter than I had expected for a IIPA. You get a very bubbly-white finger of head that fades quickly and leaves extremely weak (for an IIPA) lacing. You get a very thin, but complete, cap left over the top of the beer.

Smell: This is a FANTASTIC smelling beer - citrus hops pair with lemon and grapefruit and you can faintly detect some pale malt in the background, suggesting more balance than you'd initially anticipate. You get a faint floral aroma as well, but the citrus-y goodness seems to dominate the nose in a great way.

Taste: You get a bit of malt sweetness up front with the grapefruit and maybe (?) pineapple. This beer is EXTREMELY hop-forward, which hits as a citrus note with the bitter taste of lemon (or lemon rind). The finish is piney in taste and really lingers in your mouth/throat. The balance that won Dreadnaught for me simply is not there with this one. It's still a very good beer, just completely hop-centric with little to no malt backbone. Decent, but not great, job at hiding the 9.0% ABV.

Mouthfeel: Not much carbonation (which is very odd for Three Floyds beers), medium bodied and extremely dry. This beer leaves you completely puckered up and dried out in your mouth.

Overall Grade: B+

Comments: The grade given here is a function of the style and my high expectations for all Three Floyds beer. For some reason it isn't on their website, which limits the info that I could post on the IBUs at least. This is a very good IIPA, just not balanced enough and a little dry on the finish. Definitely worth a try for all of you hop disciples out there!


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