Saturday, April 30, 2011

Two Women - New Glarus

Next up on the reviewing is another component of the make-your-own six pack that I got with my 1/4 barrel of Moon Man (we'll get to that review eventually) for the kegerator. The beer is called "Two Women" and is another New Glarus brew that I opted to try out.

Two Women is a deep dark country lager that is made with Bohemian malt and Hallertau Mittelfrueh hops. Beer stats are as follows:

Name: Two Women
Style: Country Lager (Bohemian)
IBU: ?? I would say 25-30 at most based on being a Bohemian lager
ABV: 5%
Gravity: ?? I would say 1.045 - 1.055 based on being a Bohemian lager
Purchased at: Riley's Wines of the World

The Descriptions: So this beer totally poured a lot darker than I thought it would...coming out a bit browner than I initially expected. There was a generous ~2.5 inches of head, but the head on this beer is so light and left the beer pretty quickly. The aroma left much to be just smelled like a typical lager, slightly grassy, not too distinct on the hops, but also slightly bready.

This beer tasted like it smelled...leaving much left to be desired. The malt came through more than the hops and seemed to be somewhat toasted, which gave a decent backing to the beer. However, it seemed to me that the malt was about the only thing coming through prominently. There was a slight initial fruity taste, but it disappeared and left a metallic, unappealing aftertaste. Truth be told I just couldn't get into this beer.

Overall Grade: C-

Comments: This beer is just lacking in all aspects, in my opinion. It did not distinguish itself in any way, which is atypical of a New Glarus brew. I think they just missed the mark on this, which is a shame because from what I have read the initial recipe of this beer (before they pulled a Favre-like retirement and un-retirement, though with a longer break than ol' Brett) was a huge hit. I will say this: if you're really looking for a lager and love them, you can probably find one that is much better than this. By the same token, if you are looking for a New Glarus brew, you can definitely find ones that are much better. When all is said and done I just don't find this to be something I would ever have a reason to drink.


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