Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Cran-bic Ale - New Glarus (Thumbprint Series)


Name: Cran-bic Ale
Style: Lambic/Fruit
IBU: ??
ABV: 4.8%
Gravity: ??
Purchased at: Riley's Wines of the World


Appearance: Pours a very light, pale reddish (almost pink), with zero head (thus no lacing or cap). Carbonation bubbles drift lazily upward, but there aren't a ton of them. Looks like a blush wine with a slight tinge of brown to it. Very clear with no haze at all.

Smell: Smells like a dry champagne, to be honest. You get a big whiff of sour cranberries and a faint (odd) yeasty funk to it that actually fits well with the beer.

Taste: You get a very sour taste of cranberry, which is partially balanced by a fruity sweetness. It doesn't entirely even out, but it's nice that it has some balance. The taste is quite acidic and you only get a little of the funk/spiciness towards the back end of the drink. It's simple (relatively to many New Glarus brews) but very effective...the taste hangs with you a while and you get a bit of a sugary aftertaste.

Mouthfeel: There is more carbonation to this one than meets the eye...VERY light mouthfeel and a bit dry (champagne-like in that respect). You get a little bit of puckering from the sourness but it's very drinkable in general.

Overall Grade: B+

Comments: So, to explain my grade...this isn't a B+ signifying that it's something I'd regularly want to drink, but it's a great take on the style. It's definitely not my cup of tea, but is quite wife loves it, so if you like fruity beers then this one is for you. It's a little sugary for me (compared to most beers I have) so I would likely go another direction for something on a regular basis but it's definitely worth a try. It's worth noting that, as New Glarus uses natural products in their brews, this doesn't taste like a manufactured sugary/sour cranberry's a nice, natural taste that you can go grab a four pack and check it out with some friends!


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