Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Uff-da - New Glarus

I always find it hilarious to figure out the local sayings when you move to someplace new. Wisconsin has been no exception. While hanging out with our friends Greg and Em, somebody said something and they said "uff-da!" Being from Virginia, I have no idea what this means, and am informed that it's an exclamation of surprise (good or bad) for something that is not too serious. At any rate, New Glarus has used the colloquialism to name one of their brews.


Name: Uff-da
Style: Bock
IBU: ??
ABV: 6.7%
Gravity: ??
Purchased at: Trixie's Liquor


Appearance: Pours a deep brown with about a finger of milk-chocolate colored head. The head is foamy with decent retention, good lacing and a quality cap. There are tons of carbonation bubbles clinging to the side of the glass (as can be seen in the picture).

Smell: This brew has a wonderful roasted caramelized malt smell to it but there is also an interesting vanilla undertone that is nice (and unique). Finally, there is a slight (just barely noticeable) coffee-ish smell to it, but nothing too overwhelming.

Taste: You get a sweet malt flavor that is almost immediately cut by the bitterness of the chocolate/coffee tastes (the chocolate is more noticeable as you allow the beer to warm). You get some barely noticeable hop flavor but it's so muted that it's nearly impossible to tell what it is exactly...maybe piney? You also get a tiny alcohol twinge that isn't enough to hint at the high ABV.

Mouthfeel: Heavier side of medium, even a bit chewy. The carbonation is definitely not what I thought it'd be from the look of it, but that was actually a very good just wouldn't fit with this type of beer to be a huge carbonation bomb.

Overall Grade: B-

Comments: Eh, you can find better New Glarus brews and (though my experience with them is limited) better dark beers. This is only OK...definitely a solid beer, but nothing that is going to really "wow" you and is not quite good enough to further sway me towards dark beers. Definitely worth a try but I would try to order it somewhere or build your own six pack with it as a component. Personally a six pack would be too much for me.


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