Friday, May 27, 2011

Gumballhead - Three Floyd's Brewing

So, when I was visiting my aunt and uncle in Highland, IN we were discussing beer and they brought up Three Floyd's (FFF) in Munster, IN. Apparently this place is a small craft brewpub that ships out relatively locally. I hadn't given in a second thought until a person in my program at school gave me some Alpha King (to be reviewed later) to try out. As a preview, Alpha King was fantastic, so I had to check out some of the local liquor stores to see if they carried any more FFF beer. Luckily, both the liquor store on University Ave and Trixie's Liquor (formerly the Liquor Baron) on the East side (right up the street on East Washington, actually) carry a few different kinds. I decided to try out Gumballhead first...


Name: Gumballhead
Style: American Pale Wheat Ale
IBU: 28
ABV: 5.5%
Gravity: ??
Purchased at: University Avenue Liquor Store (6 pack)


Appearance: This beer pours a brilliant yellow-gold-straw color, with limited head that disappears quickly and leaves very minimal lacing on the glass.

Smell: This beer smells great - citrus (grapefruit maybe), orange, and wheat come through. Doesn't smell too hoppy (and with 28 IBUs that's no surprise)

Taste: WOW! You can definitely taste the wheat malts, which balance out the hops in this beer SO well. The hops are citrus-y, grassy, and slightly piney as well. You really get a taste of maybe peach coming through along with the grapefruit and orange mentioned in the smell. The finish on this beer is somewhat bitter, but not overly so.

Mouthfeel: The mouthfeel on this beer is very light and extremely carbonated, which I thought would be a turnoff but it fits SO well with this beer. I am sure that the gravity is pretty low on this beer, due to how light I am sensing it to be.

Overall Grade: A+

Comments: As evidenced by my FIRST A+, I am completely in love with this beer. GO BUY SOME RIGHT NOW! This beer drinks like a wheat but has the taste of a pale ale as well. You could seriously drink this all day, and the ABV is not ridiculously high to prohibit you from doing so on a fine summer day :-). This beer just fits well...its elements come together very well to form a nice cohesive experience. I definitely cannot say the same about most beers I have had (or reviewed) thus far in life. Do yourself a favor and find a local store that sells this and go get some. You can thank me later!


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