Friday, May 27, 2011

Scurvy - Tyranena Brewing Company

First of all I'd just like to say that I love the name of this beer - SCURVYYYYYY. If the newest Pirates of the Caribbean didn't suck ass so badly I would make a POTC reference here, but alas...'tis not to be.

However, to lay a little history on you, the real reason that people first started adding hops to beer is because hop resin acts a very powerful preservative for beer. This was extremely helpful in trying to transport beer on long sea voyages, because otherwise it would spoil. From this usage sprung the Imperial Pale Ale (IPA), which is typically loaded with hops. So, hopefully now you have a bit better of an appreciation for the Scurvy beer name, quite fitting if you ask me.


Name: Scurvy
Style: American IPA
IBU: ??
ABV: 7.5%
Gravity: ??
Purchased at: The Old Fashioned (BYO 6-Pack)


Appearance: Pours a deep amber color, very pretty looking with an off-white, almost tan head on it (about 1.5 fingers worth). The lace retention is very good on this beer - spotty in places with thin strips of thick lace in others.

Smell: The aroma you get is mostly floral with a little citrus mixed in there. Smells good but nothing sticks out incredibly to me.

Taste: First tastes give you a blast of orange and lemon, and a bitter finish with some caramel malt sandwiched in between. Does a so-so job at hiding it's 7.5% ABV.

Mouthfeel: This beer drinks relatively light for being an IPA, but definitely leaves you with the resinous/sticky hop feeling coating your mouth (not a bad thing IMHO). There is some carbonation but not enough to detract from the beer.

Overall Grade: B

Comments: This is a pretty solid IPA, nothing more, nothing less. I would recommend that any hop-head try this beer because it is a good showing from Tyranena, but I wouldn't drink this more than every once in a while simply because I believe there are much better options. Go out to the Old Fashioned, get a Beer Tour of Wisconsin card and give this one a try once you'd have a beer or two - you won't regret it, but I wouldn't lead off with it either...


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