Thursday, June 16, 2011

312 Urban Wheat - Goose Island Brewing Company

So I had my bachelor party in Milwaukee this past weekend - no details will be provided :-) but that has definitely slowed my beer consumption since and posting of previous reviews. Milwaukee is definitely a fun little city and I had 5 of my very best friends with me; had an amazing time.


Name: 312 Urban Wheat
Style: American Pale Wheat Ale
IBU: 20
ABV: 4.2%
Gravity: ??
Purchased at: Trixie's Liquor BYO 6-pack


Appearance: Pours a bright straw-colored yellow. Slightly hazy with about a finger of bone-white head. Surprisingly good retention/lacing and leaves a thin bubbly cap. A moderate amount of carbonation bubbles are readily visible.

Smell: Lemony, yeasty smell with a grainy maltiness. You also get a bit of the wheat smell. Slightly citrusy/grassy hop undertones are present, but just barely. This is a very pleasant smelling beer; nothing too overpowering - it is just right.

Taste: You get pale malt up front which plays nicely with citrus hops and the lemon flavors. The slight grassiness pairs well with these flavors as well. You really only get the hops as the beer fades off your palate. The hops don't really have a bite to them, but you do get a slight mild bitterness. This is a nice traditional wheat ale, and is a nice change of pace to the banana/coriander/clove hefes that are out there.

Mouthfeel: VERY light bodied with moderate carbonation. This beer is only slightly dry at the finish, which is perfect. This has a very smooth mouthfeel with no detractors. EXTREMELY high drinkability

Overall Grade: B+

Comments: Based on everything but mouthfeel this beer would get a solid B from me. However, it's a great beer in that it has (much more than most I've reviewed) a thirst-quenching drinkability to it with the super-light body. There is a nice balanced quality to this beer, which makes it a very solid choice if you want a light beer that has a pretty solid flavor. Enjoy in the sun!


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