Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wheat Monkey - Lakefront Brewery

Another wheat beer, as promised, for the summer months. Brewed at Lakefront Brewery, this is most likely available to Wisconsinites and maybe a few other Midwestern states. And, without further delay, on to the good stuff...


Name: Wheat Monkey
Style: American Pale Wheat Ale
IBU: ??
ABV: 4.2%
Gravity: ??
Purchased at: Hyvee


Appearance: This beer pours very light and clear for a wheat, with basically non-existent head (what was there disappeared almost immediately). The beer is a pale gold/yellow color. I definitely wouldn't peg this as a wheat beer just by looking at it, but I guess it's not a hefeweizen, but rather an American Pale Wheat Beer, so I will reserve judgment for the time being.

Smell: Not much smell to this beer; slightly citrus smell (lemony, to be exact) and maybe some biscuit malt, but it's so faint that you can barely smell it. After the Flying Dog In-Heat Wheat this is a big letdown.

Taste: Mostly a lemon taste, with a metallic aftertaste that is extremely unpleasant. What the hell is it with this beer and their metallic taste?! I felt the same way about the Cream City Pale Ale. The taste is just unpleasant to a certain extent; the lemon comes through prominently, there's not much hop taste (almost none at all) though they call this a Pale Wheat Ale. The metallic taste just sucks...not gonna lie.

Mouthfeel: The mouthfeel for this beer is watery and unpleasant. Lakefront doesn't release their gravity stats but I would say this is probably 1.04-1.05, extremely watery. The beer seems like it was filtered WAY too much and left almost nothing in the beer.

Overall Grade: C-

Comments: Not too great; wouldn't ever drink this again unless I had very VERY limited options. I wouldn't bother to give this a try and, to be honest, didn't even want to finish this beer. I wouldn't recommend this beer to anyone unless you want a watery, simple beer. Maybe it was just a bad batch, but I think not. Shame too, because the monkey on the bottle looks so joyous. Damn deceitful monkey and his watery beer...


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