Sunday, June 5, 2011

Wild Blue - Anheuser-Busch

So, let's be clear from the outset. I did a BYO 6-pack from Trixie's Liquor to try some new things, review them, etc. I didn't realize this was an Anheuser-Busch product until I was trying to look up some stats on it. Very interesting that they're brewing a blueberry ale, and I wasn't ashamed of the choice to try it - gotta keep expanding horizons here.


Name: Wild Blue
Style: Blueberry Lager
IBU: ??
ABV: 8.0%
Gravity: ??
Purchased at: Trixie's Liquor (BYO 6-pack)


Appearance: This As you can see in the photo, this "beer" pours a deep dark murky purple color that looks like grape juice. There was about 1.5 fingers of light purple head (like a watered down eggplant color), which had pretty weak retention and minimal lacing left behind. I immediately begin to question my purchase.

Smell: This beer smells liiiiike......wait...for...ittttttt...blueberries - Surprise Surprise! Other than a faint mild maltiness to this beer it smells like what I'd imagine a blueberry soda to smell like. The smell is not very appetizing and my questioning of said purchase deepens.

Taste: Um...this tastes like a freakin' wine cooler...what trickery is this? No no no, hold on...I might be wrong about the taste...I think it may be better described as a glass of wine mixed with a shot of hard liquor mixed with a tiny bit of lager and finished off with a cup of sugar. Blech...this tastes like a bag of crap, very unpleasant. On a lighter note, Sarah seemed to enjoy the first sip. However, when queried as to whether she would like to finish the drink (I can't even call this "beer," much less beer) she respectfully decline. Purchase fail.

Mouthfeel: Light and over-carbonated - like grape soda. Not much else to say here...

Overall Grade: F

Comments: My first F given on this site. Anheuser-Busch must be so proud! You should avoid this drink at all costs. The only person who should buy this is someone who likes wine coolers but wishes to claim themselves to be a beer drinker. Even then it may be dicey. I feel like drinking this beer was like a bad dream in Willy Wonka's factory. Only, considering Willy Wonka could make the snozberries taste like snozberries, I doubt he would've slapped his brand on such an awful, POS drink, as Anheuser Busch shamelessly has. Shame on you, Anheuser-Busch, shame on you. To make matters worse, Anheuser-Busch doesn't even claim this as one of its own, as it is brewed by "Blue Dawg Brewing."

In conclusion - this beverage is like a small child. If you happen to have one, pay someone else to take it off your hands for a while so you can enjoy your evening.


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